Monday, November 19, 2007

new knit trick

I was knitting my first lace project, a cashmere scarf, when my beloved dog decided that cashmere tastes delicious (please note the expensive cashmere bought at a wool festival was sitting next to a $4 ball of cotton yarn I bought at my LYS). She chewed up the ball pretty bad. With lace knitting one cannot "weave in" loose ends, so this was a real problem. My fab husband called the woman who had spun the yarn and she said she could get me another skein, but I was impatient. I wanted to knit with the half destroyed yarn I had. Along comes the internet to my rescue. At this site I learned how to stitch yarn together and it has worked wonderfully. I am actually planning to try it with other projects because I so hate weaving in ends and stitching the ends together is easier, you do it as you knit so it isn't all saved for the end, and it looks better. Scarlett also got her hands on another ball of yarn (this appears to be a serious problem and we're trouble shooting presently) and I am hoping that the "stitch together" join may help salvage some of that mutilated fiber. I'll keep you posted.

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