A blog for knitters, philosophers, knitting philosophers, philosophizing knitters, and those who love them (and their dogs).
Monday, February 18, 2008
pumpkin spice birthday cake
My dad arrived in Santa Fe on his birthday and so I baked him a cake. This was a nerve racking task as high altitude baking is rather scary, but the pumpkin spice cake turned out fabulous. The cake was dense and moist with a nice flavor and the honey creme cheese frosting was delicious.
yeah, it was good. i think it would also be good w/o the frosting as a bread that one could toast and put some butter on in the morning. mmmmmm. delicious.
That looks yummy! I might just have to get that recipe.
Thanks for the recipe link...I love pumpkin cake. It looks great.
yeah, it was good. i think it would also be good w/o the frosting as a bread that one could toast and put some butter on in the morning. mmmmmm. delicious.
That looks delicious. The plate is cute, too!
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