Monday, May 12, 2008


On Friday, Matthew took the day off to prepare for my big party. From Thursday at 5pm until late Friday we cleaned house, ran to stores, made home improvements, and generally worked our tooshies off. At 5:45pm on Friday we headed down to Albuquerque to pick up my mom from the airport and hit REI's annual sale. After loading up at REI (I got hiking boots, we both got new Chaco sandals, two pairs of convertible pants, a pair of smartwoole socks for me, freeze dried food, and a backpack for the pooch), we headed over to the sunport (seriously what the airport is called) and picked up my mom. And this was just the start of our crazy (crazy awesome) weekend.

Above: the Sadias on the drive to Abq. Bellow: greeting mom at the sunport

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